Thursday, November 19, 2015

What color do you feel like today?

Do I answer this question with my rehearsed pageant answer, or do I answer it from my heart?

The question bounces around my head. I try to grab onto it, to form an answer, but it keeps evading me. Maybe there is no answer to that question.

What color do you feel like today? I let the question reform.

Pageant answer: Sunshine yellow. Because I'm glad the sun is shining. I love how the wind is creating waves on the lake, and mini tornadoes throughout my yard. I've had a wonderful morning so far, with a hearty breakfast of oatmeal and toast...blah blah blah...

Or should I really break this question down?

Well, I don't have a favorite color...if I did, it would be a toss up between pink and blue green. But I wonder if those are really my favorite colors, or just the colors my parents always chose for me to wear as a child, so I grew to like them. I wear a lot of white. Does that mean I have no personality? I also like black...does that mean I'm depressed? Right now I am wearing a comfy pink and purple sweatshirt that my mother in law bought for me last year from the Medora Musical. It is a favorite, and I wear it a couple times a week.

But these are all clothing choices. It doesn't really answer the question. I guess I feel that I would subconsciously wear whatever color I feel like.

I know this is strange, but I remember talking about colors and how they affect energy and attitude in my foot zoning class. I remember the teacher having us pick the color of our folders. It was funny, because I chose blue first, but asked to change to red. He gave me a funny look and mentioned that it was interesting. Of course Ted chose yellow. I could've guessed that. But, I felt like I needed the red. It called to me. When I chose the blue, it just didn't feel right. Is that strange? Have you ever experienced that before?

What color do you feel like today?

Hmmm...I am feeling pretty well so far. I feel at peace. So I think I would choose eggshell. It's a peaceful color. Not quite white, so it doesn't hurt the eyes, but not ivory either, so it doesn't look yellowed or dirty. Yes, eggshell is the color I would choose. A peaceful, calm color.

I'm sure my answer will change as the day goes by, depending on my mood and how I feel, but for now, I think I will stick with eggshell.

1 comment:

  1. Never would have thought of eggshell. That is why I love you. Always unique and beautiful! You are an excellent writer! I enjoy reading you thoughts. I miss our talks!
