Saturday, January 9, 2016

When have you, or a character, experienced "Heaven on Earth"?

My heaven on earth happens every day.
"How?" You may ask.
I'll tell you. It's simple. Easy enough that most of us don't realize we are already living it.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" I want to hear how he's doing. If he got enough sleep. If he needs anything from me. As a mom, I am ready to help in any way.
"Are you hungry?" A question that responds to his physical needs for growth and health.
"How can I help?" One of life's greatest questions, yet answerable in small amounts.
"Please don't do that, it could hurt you." Trying to help my little guy from being harmed. It applies to all aspects of his life, whether physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, or social.
"Take a moment and think about it, then tell me what you'd like to do." Giving my son choices, because he needs to learn how to make decisions now.
"How are you feeling?" Another need for well-being.
"Thank you for your help." Gratitude is the key to happiness.
"Please clean up after yourself." Hard work and responsibility never hurt anyone.
"Good job. Way to go." Little words of affirmation go a long way.
"Hold on tight, here we go." Life is full of unexpected circumstances. Best to learn how to go with the flow, and ride the waves instead of fighting them.
"I love you so much." Love is what makes the world go round. It is the center of the universe. It is the most important thing we, as human beings can feel, express, and give. It is the cure to all life's questions.
Words slip from my tongue each and every day as I try to help my little one learn how to live a long, productive, successful life.
Most of the time these words just pop out without thinking. Other times, I take  a moment to think what would be the best way to teach or help in a situation. But every time, it is to help in someway.
No, discipline is not easy, and it's a regular occurrence during those precious years of learning. But it's also necessary to teach that there is always a result after a decision or action.
This is my "heaven on earth". I create it every day. Because in heaven, we have parents who love us. They've given us tools to help us along our earthly journey, so we can return to them someday. The tools they've given us are simple, basic rules and facts of life. If we learn/teach the rules and follow them, we will be able to navigate life with more positive outcomes.
Of course, this doesn't mean our lives will be easier, we all experience trials that are enough to bring us to our knees. It's those moments that we become submissive and humble like a child, willing to ask for help and guidance.
Just watching my little one discover new things, he will try it on his own, and if he can't get it, he will ask for help.
It's no wonder we are admonished to be as little children, seeking the love and guidance of our Heavenly Parents, and, as we do, our lives will become much better, because we will discover who we are, why we are here on earth, and where we are going after this life. Those are the questions that most of us are seeking. We have the answers to those questions right in front of us, if we ask and seek for our loving Heavenly Father's guidance. He will answer, just as we, earthly parents, answer our children. Sometimes it may take time, because we want our children to learn as much as they can on their own before we step in to help. Other times the answers come right away, just like when we can see our help will benefit our children the most in that moment.
So each and every day, I am experiencing my own heaven on earth. I cherish it, because I feel like the precious children are already much closer in spirit to our loving Heavenly Parents, since they are so fresh from heaven. I try to foster that same love and refuge in my home, giving my little one the best opportunity to thrive and learn in a heaven-like environment, because too soon, he will be out in the world, which is cruel and harsh, and he will need that solid foundation to keep him from being swept away in the whirlwinds of society.

And this example is just from my current situation. Before we had kids, I created Heaven on Earth for Ted and I by loving my husband unconditionally.
And before him, I loved and saw others through God-like eyes. I tried to do my best to show my love for Heavenly Father, and when I did that, everything else fell into place. When we put God first, we see this life through His eyes. We become His hands. We are filled with hope, gratitude, happiness, and love. And that's the greatest blessing of all. Because no matter what our circumstance is, we have God by our side, and nothing can defeat Him.

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