Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Write about a souvenir you have bought or received

The gray and white Alaskan Husky looks just like the stuffed animal in my hands. She even has the same blue eyes, and curled tail. I hug my stuffed animal. Holding the memory of my trip to Alaska, it's become priceless in the few short minutes since I bought it.

The owner straps the dog into a harness, then attaches it to a snow sled. The dog is a lead dog, one of the best pullers, and most obedient. It's makes me proud of my souvenir. This pup shows me that it pays to be a leader, confident and self assured.

The owner mounts the snow sled and takes off over the snow covered ground. The dogs bark and leap forward in great strides, their muscles rippling beneath their thick coats.

The skid of the skis across the snow make a smooth gliding noise. The dogs' paws are broken into unsynchronized symphonies of pounding. A clear whistle directs the dogs. I listen, trying to decipher the different signals.

I imagine what it'd be like to travel this way. What if this was the only mode of transportation? Would I be able to train dogs to pull a sled for me? What happens in the summer when the snow is gone? Would they pull a wagon?

I take a deep breath. My nose prickles against the chill in the air.

Tightening my arms across my chest, I tug my coat tighter. It's getting dark, even though it's just past midday. I wonder how cold it will get tonight.

My stomach rumbles. I've forgotten to eat lunch, too distracted by the spectacle of the dog sledder.

As I walk toward the town center, I scan the little shops. Their weathered wood exteriors provide a cozy contrast to the snow covered ground.

My feet are beginning to get cold inside my Ugg boots. I wiggle my toes and enter the first cafe I spot. As I take a seat, I think of the reasons I came on this trip. Not only to visit a friend, but to enjoy the beauty and freedom Alaska holds. It's a majestic place. Inspiring. I feel more independence and confidence since coming here. I've proven I can do something on my own.

I place the gray and white stuffed animal in front of me. It looks like a kid's toy on the wooden table, young and vulnerable in a grown up atmosphere. It makes me wonder if I look the same. Am I a kid, trying to live in a grown up's world? Is 21 too young to travel the world by myself?

I smother the thought and take a deep breath. I have two more days here. Two more days of endless possibilities and discoveries. Who knows, maybe I'll spend them exploring the untamed territory. Without anyone telling me how to be and what to do, I might just find out who I really am.

I stroke the fluffy coat of the husky and smile. I think I'll do just that.

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