Thursday, November 12, 2015

What modern technological device takes up most of your time?

I scan through the book titles, admiring my collection. Can't believe it's only been a couple years since I started using my Kindle for all my book buying and reading. There are times when I miss the smell of new book pages, or the crinkling of the binding. But overall, my experience has improved.

I began buying books on the Kindle when Hesston was born. He would startle at the sound of pages being turned. That was easily fixed by doing all online books. Not only did the page turn with the click of the finger, but I was now able to read without the lights on. This became really handy when I wanted to read while Hesston nursed, or when he fell asleep in my arms. It also became much easier to hold my device rather than hold a book. If I had to read at a distance, I could increase the font. If the words were too bright, I could decrease the brightness.

I was able to access millions of titles, and have a book within seconds, delivered right to my device. I must admit, the convenience of Kindle outweighs the waiting for delivery, even if it is only 2 days. I was able to get new releases the second they came out. Digital format has a built in dictionary. If you don't understand a word, click on it, and a definition will appear. You can highlight text, and bookmark pages.

Being able to read at anytime was a huge benefit for me, because being a social person, and having to stay at home so much, books became my social outlet. I was able to explore different worlds, see different perspectives, and have my mind opened through the books. It increased my reading speed, and I can read through a book in less than a day.

Being able to switch from your book to your email, texts or phone calls is also super convenient. It's simply the touch of a button, and you can switch tasks like shifting gears.

Another big benefit is cost. I love that the kindle books are easily half price of regular print. It has helped my budget, and saved me hundreds of dollars. And if you're like me, affordability is key.

If you don't have your own Kindle, or Kindle App on your phone. Go check it out today. It is well worth the sacrifice. Still not convinced? The Kindle App is free, and you can download it to any device. You can share your library with all your devices. Or can share with friends and family. When you read from one device and switch to another, your app with mark your progress and sync it to the new device, after asking for approval. No need to go backtracking for page numbers. It also shows your progress, and you can share what you've read online. It's a great tool, one that every reader should take advantage of.

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