Saturday, October 10, 2009

Inspiration...Please Come Soon

This week has been absolutely crazy for me. I know my life is a lot more simple than most, but it is all I can handle. My husband, Ted, and I are trying to get ready for the coming winter months, so we have been getting our wood-burning stove ready, fixing our leaky roof, finishing our bathroom, finish harvesting the garden, building a dog shelter (literally a shelter) for our pups, and working on getting our new tuff shed insulated and ready for the cats to move into. Now, all of that is on top of running the cell phone store, helping out on the farm, doing homework and school, and serving in our church callings. Yes, I am pulling out my hair, if you were curious. Since I have been so busy, my time has been limited on sitting down and writing. I feel like my well is running dry, so inspiration is not flowing through my mind. It is more like a clogged drain...I know the inspiration is there somewhere, it is just stuck up above the drain, when I need it to come flowing down through the drain. So, I was just wondering how to get my inspiration to come. If anyone has any special tricks they do, or just a little word of advice...I would be more than happy to accept! Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!

1 comment:

  1. LOL I'm wanting my inspiration to come too. *sigh* Sometimes we just have to sit down and force ourselves to write. It's very uninspiring but the good news is that sometimes in revisions we can really fix the blah stuff. Or sometimes I sit down, not wanting to write, but after a few minutes I'll get into things and be good to go. :-)
    You guys sound really busy!
    Of course I remember you and your awesome fashion sense. LOL Actually, your dress was gorgeous. I loved it!
    Thanks for finding my blog and commenting. :-)
