Sunday, October 4, 2009

Carey, Idaho

Today Ted and I took a little trip to Carey, Idaho. We needed to do some research for my book, and it was great! I am basing the book in Carey and Phoenix, Arizona. It was so nice getting to see the actual town in person! It makes the biggest difference, because you can imagine the place in your head all you want, but until you go and see it in person, it is different. Of course, the book is fiction, so I can change things, but I wanted to get a hold on what kind of a community it is and what the people are like. A snow storm blew in while we were out there, so the trip was cut short, but we still got some great pictures and ideas. I can't wait to use them in my book. Plus, we got to talk to a local, who was very helpful and nice! So, just another step down the road on my book writing process. So far, I think it is going well...I've got four chapters started, but am going back and adding in more internal detail that was needed. So, wish me luck, and let me know if you have any cool facts about Carey or Phoenix I should add in! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Kaylee! I totally remember you. I wish we could have had more time to visit during the conference. Did you and your husband have a good time? Thanks for visiting my blog. Very cool that you got to visit the setting of your book. I think first-hand experience is so valuable. Have a great weekend!

    Take care,
