Friday, October 30, 2015

Write about something in your life that is 'Worth It'

"It'll all be worth it in the end."

"Endure to the End."

"You will receive blessings in Heaven."

"This life is a time to prepare to meet God."

"We are here to be tested, gain knowledge and wisdom."

Phrases from my life repeat in my mind. When I think of something in my life that is worth it, it's hard to bring it down to one thing. I think all of life is worth it. In fact, I think that just the fact of living is worth it.

Life is not easy. Let's face it, we all have trials, challenges, and temptations that we have to overcome in order to progress. It's easy to ask, 'Why is this happening to me?' and have no answer. Most of the time we don't see why things happen to us until years down the road, or maybe even until we reach Heaven and look back and realize how that trial changed our life for the better.

Trials make us relatable, humble, and often times, more open to help and guidance from our Savior.

One of my dear friends has a son who committed suicide. He was a very bright and popular young man, with an incredible future. But he lost it all by taking doctor prescribed drugs that altered his thinking and caused him to ultimately take his life in the blink of an eye.

This friend of mine has suffered one of the greatest losses a mother could ever have. Losing a child is one thing, but losing a child to suicide is a whole different story. The guilt she carries around with her is not something that can just go away. It takes time and much healing.

She has started a foundation for suicide prevention and awareness. She has given up her career and life to dedicate herself to this foundation. It's a wonderful cause, and one that is very much needed. As it gains support, she is continually traveling and speaking to different audiences, telling her story, trying to prevent others from the pain she has suffered. A noble cause.

As I watch her, I feel sorrow that she's had to go through this trial in order to do what she's doing today. I love what she has done, and I am so proud of her for springing into action instead of getting depressed and following in her son's footsteps.

The rest of her family is suffering and she is struggling to keep them together. It is a heavy burden to carry. One that nobody should have to endure.

I see how this trial in my friend's life has shaped her beliefs in various ways. The platform for her foundation is: "You Matter." And I love this slogan, because each and every person does matter. We are entrusted to each other to find our way through life, and ultimately, back to our Heavenly Father.

One thing we have to remember is, every single person does matter, no matter their background, religion, ethnicity, opinions, beliefs, wealth, or lack thereof. We are all different, and that's a good thing. If we were all the same, there would be no way to progress, change, or challenge ourselves.

Think about your life. What pops into your mind? Usually the really good times. The hard times, and how you made it through them. You came out stronger on the other side. And you probably learned quite a bit on the way.

As I said from the beginning, this life, our trials, our challenges, they are all worth it. Someday we will be able to look back and be proud of what we made it through. Keep going. Stay strong. Don't give up. If you feel like giving up, turn your heart over to the Lord and lay your burdens at His feet. He has gone through each and every one of our pains and sufferings. He knows what it's like, and I guarantee there is another person in the world who has also suffered similar trials. Reach out, help each other. Make this life worth it.


  1. I can hardly see thru my sea of tears. Thank you for such well expressed focused sentiments.
