Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thankful for Friends and Family

With Christmas Music filling the air, memories of childhood seem to crop up from the back of my mind, warming my heart. While I was at work yesterday, a familiar Christmas song came on the radio that not very many people know. It starts slow, then builds into a beautiful medley. In my home, the Carpenters sang it, but on the work radio, it was sang by a man with a deep baritone voice. It goes:
"Frosted window panes, candles gleaming inside, painted candy canes, on the tree. Merry Christmas, may your new year dreams come true. And, this song of mine, in three quarters time, wishes you and yours, the same thing too. It's that time of year when the world falls in love, every song you hear, seems to say, Merry Christmas, may your new year dreams come true, and this song of mine, in three quarters time, wishes you and yours, the same thing too."
I actually sang this song with a couple other students when I was in 5th grade for a choir concert. It was considered one of the harder songs, so I felt extremely special to sing it. Singing...another one of those things I have let slide over the years. Maybe I should start singing again.
But, anyway, as we were at work, one of my employees shared a memory as another song came on, and since the three of us working at the time, are all away from family, and newly married, it became a little emotional. This made me appreciate good friends and family. I have been extremely blessed to have people around me that are kind and caring.
There is a saying,
"Some people come into our lives,
leave footprints on our hearts,
and we are never the same."
I feel this way about so many of my friends. Even though some of them may have only been in my life for a short time, each has made an impact. During this holiday season, may we all be thankful for our dear friends and family. They are all we got.

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