Friday, September 11, 2009

The Beginning

So, today I created this blog for my writing life...and hopefully someday, career. I am extremely excited to share ideas, and start on this journey of writing with friends and family! To start out with, I am going to a writer's conference this next week, and I am creating a one-sheet. If some of you do not know what that is, don't worry, neither did I until a couple weeks ago. It basically introduces your book, yourself, and has your info on the sheet to give to publishers, editors, and agents if they are interested in your work. It is like a glorified business my opinion. Anyway, I have written a little pitch, and I would like some feedback as to whether or not it is sound enough to print and make permanent...English or Communication major people, I need your help, so please comment! Thank you! I have it posted below.

Am I Worth Saving?

As Katy leaves her small-town life in the rolling hills of Blackfoot, Idaho for college, she must overcome evil and worldliness to find truth and love that can change her life forever.

Redemption, Am I Worth Saving? Is a story about a freshman in college, Katy, who leaves her farming life behind to attend school in the East. She is confronted with temptations she does not know how to handle, and her naïve nature is taken advantage of. Luck snatches her away from her predator, and her life changes forever with a friendship Katy never knew could exist. Life has a different twist for her, and although she is happy, she feels something lacking. Searching for the missing pieces, she meets a young man who introduces her to religion. This man, not only handsome and wise, is a gentleman with quiet dignity, which makes it easy for Katy to fall in love with him. As she is swept into her new life of learning, things back home come crashing down with the death of her father. She begins to question what she has been taught, wondering how God could take her father from her family. Along with her doubt, her past comes to haunt her. Can this new life heal her scars? Or will she falter back into a corrupting mistake?

Kaylee Garling is attending BYU-Idaho, minoring in English, Communications, and Family Studies. She lives in Idaho with her husband, Ted, her 2 dogs, Tippy and Patches, and 2 cats, Smokey and Tom Tom. Kaylee has been writing since she was a child, but her life has taken her several different directions. She has finally returned to her love of writing, and is cherishing every moment of it. She also enjoys the outdoors, riding her horses, reading a good book, helping others, and spending time with family.


  1. Well... Now I REALLY want to read your book. It sounds very interesting. Overall, I think your one-sheet is pretty good. My only suggestion would be during the bio part. I'm not sure if it is necessary to put in the names of your pets. However, I am not an english expert (hence the reason I am taking a grammar class this semester)!

  2. that sounds great Kaylee. good job keeping the opening of your sentences varied. maybe specify where in the east Katy moves to. right now that just seems too general.

    i think mentioning the pets is fine. a lot of writers mention their pets in bios as a way of getting more personal.

    the sentence that ends "taken advantage of." usually you're not suppsed to end a sentence with a preposition like "of". not a huge deal though. but if you could add WHY shes taken advantage of it would build more suspense and interest.
    ex. "She is confronted with temptations she does not know how to handle, and her naïve nature is taken advantage of IN THE WORST WAYS POSSIBLE or BY A MANIPULATING AQCUAINTANCE or BY A BOY WITH LESS THAN STUNNING VIRTUES."

    You get the picture. Great job and Good Luck!

  3. Thank you so much for your comments! I have made changes, and feel like it is so much better with the suggestions you made! Thank you!
