Monday, January 18, 2016


This is not a is reasoning for why I haven't been writing lately. If you're not interested in my excuses, stop reading.
First, Hesston got sick with bronchitis, which had me staying home every day, babying him, and getting woken up several times a night from his coughing fits. It was scary for a while. I thought he was getting better, but then his cough took a turn for the worst, and my mommy intuition kept telling me to get him to the doctor (which I usually try to avoid, because I feel like I usually waste their time, because things turn out okay most times). But I am really glad I took him in. He is now doing much better (after 9 days of suffering), pretty much over his cough, and back to his normal, adorable self.
Then, I got sick. Well, it was about half way through the week, but it kept getting worse. It wasn't like the hit you hard, then slowly go away cold. It has been, come on slowly, change a couple different symptoms just to keep you guessing, then linger. I am quite done with it, but it's not done with me. So, I have been the one lying in bed, feeling like a beached whale and clogged toilet for the past week. Sad thing is, most people in our area are getting hit with the same thing, so we all feel each other's pain.
Well, I will hopefully get back to writing tomorrow. I miss it. It is my therapy. But for now, I am curling up in bed. Stay warm and healthy out there.

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